GOREBACK ens anuncia l'apertura del seu nou "meu espai", a saber:
Així mateix ens comunica l'edició de dos nous treballs, el recopilatori "Ozim Refne" i el nou CD "Wild Madness", alhora que estan treballant en nou material per un possible Cd per a després d'estiu.
GOREBACK announces the openning to us of his new myspace:
He also let us to know about his new editions, the compilation "Ozim Refne" and his last CD "Wild Madness". At the same time he's working on new stuff for a new CD after summer.
Així mateix ens comunica l'edició de dos nous treballs, el recopilatori "Ozim Refne" i el nou CD "Wild Madness", alhora que estan treballant en nou material per un possible Cd per a després d'estiu.
GOREBACK announces the openning to us of his new myspace:
He also let us to know about his new editions, the compilation "Ozim Refne" and his last CD "Wild Madness". At the same time he's working on new stuff for a new CD after summer.
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