Noves edicions del company Manuel de RONF Records
New releases from our mate Manuel from RONF Records
New releases from our mate Manuel from RONF Records
Sobri, Invariable, implacable, violent, insensible... Això és Harsh Noise Wall, monòton i monolític conduint els sentits cap l'embotiment.
DEAD BODY COLLECTION és un projecte relativament nou de HNW des de Sèrbia, el cual a publicat diversos treballs a través de nombrosos segells tals com Toxic Industries, Hoarse Records, Monolithische Aktion, Coffin Crawl Records, Satans Din, Turgid Animal, Vomit Bucket... produint brillants murs sonors i centrant-se en aquesta extensa intensa i assassina peça de 40 minuts que t'enterbolirà la vista.
VOMIR, que podem dir d'aquest projecte que haguem dit ja... "soroll rugent, invariable i monolític" (Ed Pinsent), "... furiosa, impenetrable i densa mostra de HNW feta pel mestre francès del gènere, Vomir" " (Roger Batty), "... parell de llançaments increïblement pesants a través de At War With False Noise de Glasgow del defensor més visible d'aquesta forma fins al moment és Vomir de França" (Scott McKeating), "...puresa depresiva nihilistica total" (At War With False Noise) "...La part de Vomir és el camí més claustrofòbic, crostós i fred que els amants del genere han escoltat"
Sober, Unchanging, Relentless, Violent, Unfeeling... that's it, Harsh Noise Wall, monotonous and monolithic driving senses into dullness.
DEAD BODY COLLECTION is a relatively new HNW project from Serbia (started summer 2009) which has been releasing stuff in several labels such as Toxic Industries, Hoarse Records, Monolithische Aktion, Coffin Crawl Records, Satans Din, Turgid Animal, Vomit Bucket... producing walls in a bright and focused way offers here a killer intense and extense 40 min piece deleting all hope from sight.
VOMIR, what left to say about this project that hasn't been sayed before... "...unvarying roaring monolithic noise" (Ed Pinsent), "...fierce, impenetrable & thick slice of HNW making from the French master of the genre Vomir" (Roger Batty), "...couple of insanely heavy releases on Glasgow’s At War With False Noise the most visible proponent of this form so far is France’s Vomir" (Scott McKeating), " depressive nihilistic purity" (At War With False Noise)... Vomir's track is way more claustrophobic, crustier and colder than what lovers of the genre might be used to.
DEAD BODY COLLECTION és un projecte relativament nou de HNW des de Sèrbia, el cual a publicat diversos treballs a través de nombrosos segells tals com Toxic Industries, Hoarse Records, Monolithische Aktion, Coffin Crawl Records, Satans Din, Turgid Animal, Vomit Bucket... produint brillants murs sonors i centrant-se en aquesta extensa intensa i assassina peça de 40 minuts que t'enterbolirà la vista.
VOMIR, que podem dir d'aquest projecte que haguem dit ja... "soroll rugent, invariable i monolític" (Ed Pinsent), "... furiosa, impenetrable i densa mostra de HNW feta pel mestre francès del gènere, Vomir" " (Roger Batty), "... parell de llançaments increïblement pesants a través de At War With False Noise de Glasgow del defensor més visible d'aquesta forma fins al moment és Vomir de França" (Scott McKeating), "...puresa depresiva nihilistica total" (At War With False Noise) "...La part de Vomir és el camí més claustrofòbic, crostós i fred que els amants del genere han escoltat"
Sober, Unchanging, Relentless, Violent, Unfeeling... that's it, Harsh Noise Wall, monotonous and monolithic driving senses into dullness.
DEAD BODY COLLECTION is a relatively new HNW project from Serbia (started summer 2009) which has been releasing stuff in several labels such as Toxic Industries, Hoarse Records, Monolithische Aktion, Coffin Crawl Records, Satans Din, Turgid Animal, Vomit Bucket... producing walls in a bright and focused way offers here a killer intense and extense 40 min piece deleting all hope from sight.
VOMIR, what left to say about this project that hasn't been sayed before... "...unvarying roaring monolithic noise" (Ed Pinsent), "...fierce, impenetrable & thick slice of HNW making from the French master of the genre Vomir" (Roger Batty), "...couple of insanely heavy releases on Glasgow’s At War With False Noise the most visible proponent of this form so far is France’s Vomir" (Scott McKeating), " depressive nihilistic purity" (At War With False Noise)... Vomir's track is way more claustrophobic, crustier and colder than what lovers of the genre might be used to.
KREUZER - " L'Armée Secrète " ( Mini-CD-r )
Excel•lència servida en aquest mini àlbum a través de 5 tracks ben executats, els quals combinen i fusionen elements de Martial Industrial, Power Electronics, Dark Ambient en el camí de la vella escola europea del genere. Percussió militar rítmica, samplers de veu processada i línies poderoses de sintetitzadors
KREUZER - " L'Armée Secrète " ( Mini-CD-r )
... Excellence is served in this Mini Album through the form of 5 well-executed tracks which fusion and combine elements of Martial Industrial, Power Electronics, Dark Ambient quite in the way of the old European school. Rhythmic militant percussion, processed voice samples, powerful synth lines.
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