Per primer cop a Barcelona, Mehata Sentimental Legend, ens oferirà un directe amb visuals a L'Antic Forn de Vallcarca amb el seu projecte GAIAMAMOO.
L'acompanyarà el barceloní ALOZEAU que li donarà la rèplica amb el seu art
For first time in Bacelona, Mehata Sentimental Legend offers his live act and visuals with his project GAIAMAMOO at L'Antic Forn de Vallcarca.
From Barcelona, it will open the show ALOZEAU with his art
For first time in Bacelona, Mehata Sentimental Legend offers his live act and visuals with his project GAIAMAMOO at L'Antic Forn de Vallcarca.
From Barcelona, it will open the show ALOZEAU with his art
03-05-2013 L'Antic Forn de Vallcarca (Barcelona)
A les 19:00 hores
Socis: 3 Euros
No socis: 4 Euros
Cal fer-se soci/a
GAIAMAMOO is The electro ambient unit by Shogo Haraguchi (Bass, electronics)and Mehata Sentimental Legend(electronics,sampler). Sound that is assembled in improvisation. It is to find the relationship between real-time feelings and its space of real-time. To catch the Encounter with the chance and the chance beyond intentions. It is intended to explore the boundaries line of visual and auditory with using the Image(mood) that the sound has itself. Also, Mehata Sentimental Legend is releasing some albums as solo . This time, Related to Concert of Mehata solo exhibition in Oviedo, Gaiamamoo has Tour in Spain. .
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ALOZEAU és el projecte electrònic de Josué Coloma. El seu estil oscil•la entre l´art sonor, l´ambient i la música industrial. Construeix collages sonors a partir de gravacions de camp, guitarres gravades, samplers i sons electrònics. Com a projecte neix al 2007 i d´aleshores ençà ha col•laborat amb músics de la mateixa escena i ha participat en cicles i festivals d´art sonor i de música electrònica.
ALOZEAU is Joshua Coloma’s electronic project. His style ranges from sound art, ambient and industrial music. He buids sound collages from field recordings, recorded guitars, samplers and electronic sounds. As a project is born in 2007 and since then he has collaborated with musicians from the same scene and participated in festivals and cycles of sound art and electronic music
ALOZEAU is Joshua Coloma’s electronic project. His style ranges from sound art, ambient and industrial music. He buids sound collages from field recordings, recorded guitars, samplers and electronic sounds. As a project is born in 2007 and since then he has collaborated with musicians from the same scene and participated in festivals and cycles of sound art and electronic music
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